Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Have I mentioned that moving is not so fun?

Even though I started purging months ago we hadn't gotten rid of much. This past weekend we had a garage sale and I was suprised how hard it was to part with my things. Not that I wanted to take them on the move to the mainland...I didn't but it was still a hard thing to watch "things" with so many memories attached. Haven't even started processing the people missing part. As for leaving the place, so ready.
We leave this evening for Colorado Springs to see my eldest grandson graduate high school. Hope he makes it to the ceremony as the State of Colorado apparently decided to hold the state finals for track right in the middle of graduation season . Great timing.
Then on to New Mexico to the new house. Most of the furniture purchased has been delivered ; figures that out of all of it the bed isnt there yet. Oh well. At least the mattress is!
This is so hard. Its a move I definately want to make but it is traumatic.


  1. hi, from wim sonja and merel (;

  2. I admit it's something I'm trying to block out. Everytime I think about how you've been so close for all my pregnancies and births and babes growing up....and how you won't know Liora in the same way you have the others I can only cry. I know you are a phone call away....but you've been my security for the last 6 years through some pretty rough and pretty happy times....knowing that you are not going to be an immediate part of our lives every week is hard to swallow.....guess I better stay active at photo graphing the kids antics and blogging then huh?????
